We encourage you to verify the source images for yourself, rather than just simply accept the facts that are presented here.
Exact details of the used image templates can be found here.
Some reports on this website are based on previous ones. So it is extremely important to read the reports in chronological order.
Details can turn up that were probably already been analyzed in detail. If you are new here and you directly start reading the
recent reports without prior knowledge, then it could happen, that the required context is not recognizable.
You do yourself and us a favor when you first start with the oldest reports.
This report makes reference to structural anomalies in Aram Chaos. We recommend that you first review the previous reports from this series,
if you have not read them yet.
These include the following documents:
Explanatory Notes
This report deals with the breakdown of the details that has been reconstructed based on the Mars images.
It's not about the recognition and reconstruction of structures and shapes on Mars shots, but rather in which
historical context the discoveries appears. The processing of this material represents a new level in this
project analysis and is therefore marked with red color.
The footage from Aram Chaos are the most impressive so far, but also the most confusing.
Many structures in this region suggest a very technology-heavy complex. Above all, the large "water" jet (or possibly
the large liquid outflow) of the ATLAS base, indicates that this complex is apparently active. But with the
discovery of a monument in the shape of a giant snake with a dragon-like head and the discovery of a
symbol that seems strange, for the first time we're faced with cultural, possibly ritualistic aspects
that are not self-explanatory.
A ramp can explain that this is an aid to allow a path through a height difference.
One can see that large amounts of fluids is pumped through a tubing system. The physical principles to achieve
such things are well known to us.
Why, however, a mythological creature is incorporated in the rock, can not be explained from a pure technical
point of view. It is perhaps an aesthetic, an artistic aspect behind it, but this is far from sufficient as an
explanation, if one sees that a considerable effort was necessary to its completion. Especially if this is
implemented in an environment that is probably not necessarily very live-friendly.
It is now clear that a purely technical approach is no longer sufficient here to provide explanations
that are based on the cultural backgrounds. A sensible option is to illuminate our own cultural history.
It may be possible to find similarities here on earth that go along with the Mars covers.
The Key Element: The Mars Symbol
Basis of the following analysis is a symbol that was revealed in a detailed examination of previously discovered driveways in the
Aram Chaos facility complex. It was a targeted search for writings or markings, after we have previously discovered
the lettering ATLAS above a driveway. It seems that it is not only in human nature
to provide any kind of equipment and buildings (unless the intention to camouflage is given) with markings
in order to disclose visitors the function or the ownership or whatever kind of belonging.
It should be noted that the lettering can not be an original part of the ATLAS plant. This was obviously added later. The existence of
the lettering in Latin capitals allows only a few logical conclusions. But this should be part of another analysis report.
That the newly discovered symbol could be an image artifact is ruled out. The symbol has a clearly defined shape.
No fuzzy edges, no artifacts or typical moire patterns, and as well no block-like interference patterns. The surrounding environment
shows no similar abnormalities.
The reconstruction of the symbol also shows that this is not a random geometric figure,
but that these archetypal shapes also conveys information. Wing elements, a halo, a pyramidial base, these are details, which are already
known elements since the early days of our cultural development.
The symbol represents an important discovery, because now there is a reference for a comparison with symbols of our cultural history.
If one starts from the premise that an extraterrestrial civilization has actually visited this solar system, then it is a quite obvious
conclusion, that the builders of these plants wouldn't have been satisfied just to have Mars as their only "Base".
Depending on when these plants were built, it could at one point in our cultural history have come to a concurrence
with the foreign civilisaton and ours. Cultural adaptation of symbols would be one of the expected actions.
Parallels to the Winged Sun Disk
Extensive research work has shown that there are surprisingly a lot of symbols that have similar issues with the discovered
Mars symbol. Perhaps we have here an explicable pattern. The logic behind this still requires further studies.
The following figure represents one of the first findings that show significant similarity in comparison with the discovered Mars symbol.
It is an image area of a commemorative stele that shows the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II.
The adjacent text describes the construction and inauguration of the new royal palace, which can be dated to the year 879 BC.

Image area of a memorial message. Found in 1951 at the royal palace at Nimrud
(Biblical: Calah or Kalchu. Nowadays a ruin, 30 km south-east of the city of Mosul, Iraq)
It is that symbol that is seen top left in the shape of a winged star / winged sun disk. It's a symbol that can be found on many inscriptions,
clay tablets and cylinder seals of the mesopotamian culture area. The following comparison shows the
the socalled winged sun disk and the Mars symbol in detail.
The pairs of stylized wings of the Mars symbol are summarized in the Assyrian version as single feathered wings. The pyramidial
base forms now the tail feathers. Virtually unchanged, the central ring with a cross pattern. In the Assyrian version, above the ring
is something that is widely interpreted by archaeologists as horns. The reconstructed Mars symbol do show this detail.
However, since the cross pattern on Mars symbol is formed by the incoming lines from the outside, the area above the ring seems
to be incomplete. Horns, or perhaps a crown would here be a quite conceivable element to connect this part respectively to complete it.
What is not included in the version of the winged sun disk are the three dots below the ring.
Cultural and Historical Similarities Regarding Winged Sun Disk
This raises the question whether the winged sun disk can actually be brought in connection with the Mars symbol.
The symbol of the winged sun disk is one of the oldest religious symbols in human history and is reflected in
different variations in many different cultures around the world. The interpretation of a logo or a symbol can in terms of individual
and subjective impressions and experiences of the viewer produce different interpretations. In addition, over the centuries, we can
expect an evolution of symbolism. What is shown as details in one representation could in contrast have a more abstract look in another
representation, of another artist, from a different culture in another time period or even cease completely. It is of particular
importance to gain a comprehensive overview to provide representations of the winged sun disk.
The following timeline shows only a small selection of many examples, that have significant similarities with the schematic Mars symbol.
The image segments in the timeline are clickable and provide additional detailed information about the origin and the officially estimated
age. A variety of objects that exhibit this distinctive symbol, can be found in large and well-known museums, such as the Louvre in Paris, the
Pergamon Museum in Berlin or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
To enlarge an image click on an image icon
Over several millennia, the Mars symbol can be found in numerous variations and in many cultures on earth. In most cases
this meaning as a so-called winged sun disk predominates. In all these examples the sun and / or the light is a defining element for this type of
The following diagram represents a schematic image which contains the most striking elements of all investigated samples without
including the Mars symbol in this process.
General Characteristics
Integral part of the basic form are a pair of wings and a central ring. The other elements are optional and are, depending on the example, located
on the opposite sides.
If the element of the horns is not present above the central ring, instead, two branches often appear
below the ring which are either only merely hinted, or take concrete forms. In Egypt such
representations often use uraei (uraeus snake), which appear on the solar disk. Some stolon forms in Sumerian examples
however, suggest the association of two birds' feet.
The segment just below the ring is often represented by tail feathers. The design of this segment is usually
characterized by a triangular shape. In connection with the wings it creates an abstract representation of a bird, but
this part is an optional element. Alternatively, this area is implied by ordinary lines or a formation of dots
characterized by the number 3 appear in that place.
The wings, however, can take a more or less sweeping form and thereby be bent upwards or downwards. Especially in Egypt
representations the wings appear very expansive. They often exhibit segmentations, that in most cases are formed by
horizontal lines.
The solar disk shows within the same cultural group several special shapes. This is where the
artists, as needed, use a simple ring representation or incorporate a cross pattern.
It may be regarded as exceptional performance of our culture, that representations of the so-called
"winged sun disk" have been saved to the present day. Its story can be traced back thousands of years ago.
Carved in stones and clay or recorded on paper. Many legacies of the recent
past, of ancient times and even from the Neolithic era, are preserved.
Thus, it is not only possible for archaeologists, but also for historically interested people, to find this symbol
on-site at historic places, the museum or through extensive Internet searches and to trace its history back over a period
of 7000 years.
It should not be ignored, that the basis for this report is a symbol that was discovered on Mars. At a place that is
not isolated in nowhere, but situated beside huge plants and monuments. The Mars symbol is probably the origin symbol, or at least
one of those, that served for the people on earth as a kind of landmark or a symbol for the "others". If one starts from the presumption
that this symbol represents a logo and a reference to the owners, then this logo can possibly
be found on a variety of equipment or clothing of the foreign visitors. Those who had contact copied
the icon and added it into their culture. So far it could not be clearly clarified, which culture originally spreaded
the symbol of the winged sun disk. But this is probably not even the merit of a single cultural group.
The people who saw for the first time that symbol and appointed it as their icon, have
also made the first step to its interpretation. The Sumerian depiction show the most
similarities. But it is mainly the Egyptian representation, which we know best in our
everyday life. Variations of the winged sun are used in brand logos of companies
or even in the commercial sector.
This is impressively confirmed when you look at the resuls of the image search function of a search engine
by checking the results for the words "winged disc trade mark".
The factual background of this symbol is basically almost completely forgotten.
Relatively few people are aware that the winged sun disk basically reflects the cult of an ancient
solar deity.
Meaning of the Winged Sun Disk
In ancient Egypt, the winged sun symbol represents the god Horus (of Behedet/Edfu)
He is known as the god of war, the sky, and the light. But also other natural forces acts are attributed to him.
The symbolic connection between Horus and the King (Pharaoh) has lead that the winged sun became the symbol of protection and also for the king.
In the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian pantheon, the sun god Shamash
is (corresponding with the Sumerian god Utu) represented by the symbol of the winged sun.
On some representations, Shamash appears as a character within the solar disk, which is similar in style to the Faravahar
in the Zoroastrian religion.
In Zoroastrianism this symbol is connected with the god Ahura Mazda
He symbolizes the power of light and is the creator and sustainer of the world and humanity. Zoroastrianism had
significant influence on other religions such as Judaism and Christianity. Thus, in this concepts such as
those of heaven and hell were adopted.
The figure of the devi probably goes back to Ahriman
In early Zoroastrianism, he was part of the dualistic aspect of life, that included the good and the evil.
In this context, Malakhim
and Daeva
have to be mentioned, which in turn correspond to angels and demons.
Largely inspired by the symbolism of the winged sun is also the representation of the greek sun god Helios.
Helios duty was to direct the sun chariot
across the sky, which was drawn by four winged horses
Helios on his chariot
Red-figure Kalyxkrater - 435 BC
Exhibited at the British Museum in London
This in turn shows parallels to the Roman god Apollo
Apollo and his chariot
Roman mosaic floor
who is represented in numerous mosaic floors in the same way. Sometimes drawn by horses, sometimes drawn by swans. The representation of
the deity in his chariot has to be understood as a reinterpretation of the deity within the winged sun disk.
The symbol of the winged sun disk is therefore always in the cultural context of religious or cultic
content. It is particular associated with divinity and with divine protection for the king and his people.
Abstraction of the Shape of the Sun Disk/Cross
The main element of the winged sun disk sun is the central element. With this rather banal finding the whole symbol
can be reduced to the main element, the disk respectively the ring. The simplest illustration is that of a circle,
which is provided in its interior with simple cross lines. Just as in the case of the winged sun disk, the solar
disk itself also exists in several variations.
However, there is a great risk of misinterpretation. In the context of the Mars discoveries our viewing can not be
regarded as without bias. It must not be overlooked that such abstract symbols also represent archetypes. Patterns
of human imagination are being reflected, that are fundamental part of the collective unconscious. A sun symbol can
also arise out of a completely natural process. It is quite possible that religious, ritualistic aspects go hand in hand
with such symbols. Assuming that solar symbols generally represent a level of abstraction of the winged sun disk, would be
absurd. That is the reason why such symbols can not be considered in isolation, but only in a holistic context. If there are no
further hints that point to a special circumstance, than a symbol of the sun is nothing more than a sun symbol and
a symmetrical cross-shaped ornament is nothing more than just an ornament. It would be naive to set everything in
connection with something extraterrestrial.

Interpretation, abstraction, rearrangement
In the examples shown here is particularly evident that there is a connection with symbols that are known in different religions.
The possibility that especially this aspect of human history is a result of extraterrestrial influence would have serious
implications of our current understanding of religion and general view of the world. Further conclusion resulting from this analysis
everyone have to figure it out for himself. An assessment on our part regarding this issue would be presumptuous. However,
it is important to explain at least the facts and to enlighten unknown circumstances.
Historical Examples Regarding Cross- and Eight-Spoked Wheel Variations
The next abstraction level of the winged sun disk is the detachment of the central ring.
Variations of the sun disk it can be cross-shaped or eight-spoked wheels. If we focus only on the shape and set them
in context of a religious, ritual or folk traditions, we can also find countless examples.
click on one of the images to enlarge
Coincidence or pattern? The image excerpts shown here are intended to stimulate thinking. Do these symbols stand
for itself or do they have a common origin? Completely independently from the discoveries we made on Mars, you should
consider, if ther is a pattern, which is deeply rooted in our cultural history.