The problems and challenges we're facing require collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches.
We now have the opportunity to pursue scientific questions with methods that include several
independent science areas. Due to our professional activity respectively due to the
associated training we cover specialist fields of general computer science, electrical engineering, library science,
regional science, molecular biology and natural science (physics).
An also important role plays autodidactically gained knowledge, which is required for this private research.
There is no question that this self-acquired knowledge can not replace a professional training in the respective areas.
But as a representative for lifelong learning, it is our ambition to further expand and deepen this knowledge over the next years.
This concers sub-areas of archeology, different languages and knowledge on various scripting and programming languages,
that help to contribute to catalogize our work, to visualize it and to perform various image analysis.
Interested persons have the opportunity to participate in this private research. Special skills are extremely
helpful but not mandatory. Above all, patience, willingness to continue learning and a healthy dose of skepticism are
desired, since many anomalies may have a very natural cause.
For contacting us, the online form can be used on this website.