General information

On 25 January 2004, the spacecraft Opportunity landed in a smaller crater (Eagle Crater) in Meridiani Planum. The course of the Mars Rovers led into southern direction where it reached in SOL time 2161 the Concepction crater. "Concepcion" goes back to one of the ships, the the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) had led as commander in chief on his circumnavigation

Crater Overview

The Concepcion crater is a relatively small crater of about 10 meters in diameter. The age of the crater can be described as relatively "young". It is estimated that the crater was formed perhaps 1.000 years ago.

Structural anomalies

The findings are based on the short range images that were created by the Mars rover Opportunity.

Stone sculptures on the edge of the crater Concepcion

There are here some indications that point to artfully carved stone sculptures.

Available Reports

Discoveries at close