It has begun with the investigation of structural anomalies on Mars but the work on this topic has opened the way to other
areas over time. Meanwhile, the MAP project group deals also intensively with various aspects of digital image forensics,
as well as the symbols and Mythology Research. The results from these new fields do not always lead to corellations, which
can be combined meaningfully with Mars. Due to this a logical separation was considered necessary that have led into major changes in the directory structure of this project website.
The Homepage of the MAP-Base website leads from now on no longer directly on the analysis reports of Mars anomalies, but it now refers to the three separate research areas. This division allows the basis of factual considerations which may thematically stand for themselves.
The ability to take criticism, is a key requirement in order to learn from mistakes. So we are glad that we can perform this work together with people who share the same views with us, as well as with those who are critical and able to justify this on a high professional level.
It will still belong to the general standard of project work that all aspects and analyzes are available in at least two languages. Thank you for your interest and also for criticism of our work that we have received over emitted mails and over the social networks.